What do you think the most important skill is in your life? Imagine your life without thus skill. Do you want to be remembered as a follower? Actually, people don’t remember the followers. Why not break out of your shell and show people your true colors and what it takes to be someone like you. In my life, leadership is one of the most important skills. Being a two-sport captain, leadership had to be one of my strongest skills. “Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.”(Kruse, 2013) In other words, leadership is someone who is an active member of your group that everyone can look up to and can soar their voice throughout that group to have everyone put in their full potential which will soon lead to success. The reason for this was because I had the responsibility skills, time management skills, the role model skills, and the passion for every little thing I did. My coach praised me for my hard work and commitment.
Leadership in sports help people grow as individuals. Believe it or not, if you are perceived to be a leader it goes a long way in life. What people don’t see is that coaches play a big role in athlete’s leadership success. Coaching behaviors can positively influence children’s self-esteem and degree of enjoyment they experience and it makes them want to participate more and more in that sport they are playing. (Sullivan, P., Paquette, K. J., Holt, N. L., & Bloom, G. A. 2012) For an example, in high school I had an awesome coach. He was basically my second father, he was there for me for every little thing. In that scenario since he was there for me, I was there for me. The summer going into my junior year and he was fired from his job. As a captain and the leadership skills he has taught me I fought for him. Constantly had meetings at city hall with the mayor and school committee members to see if he could possibly get his job back. When you are so
Bibliography: Sullivan, P., Paquette, K. J., Holt, N. L., & Bloom, G. A. (2012). The Relation of Coaching Context and Coach Education to Coaching Efficacy and Perceived Leadership Behaviors in Youth Sport. Sport Psychologist, 26(1), 122-134. Gould, D., Voelker, D. K., & Griffes, K. (2013). Best Coaching Practices for Developing Team Captains. Sport Psychologist, 27(1), 13-26. Voight, M. (2012). A Leadership Development Intervention Program: A Case Study With Two Elite Teams. Sport Psychologist, 26(4), 604-623. Kruse, K. (2013, September 4). What Is Leadership? - Forbes. Retrieved November 6, 2013, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2013/04/09/what-is-leadership/ Special Olympics Retrieved November 7, 2013, from www.specialolympics.org/Sections/What_We_Do/Athlete_Leadership_Program.aspx