Newly born human are dependent on others for a really long periods unlike other young mammals that can within a short period after birth can stand, walk and find food for themselves. Humans are born with potentials and animals with instincts. Each child, therefore, is given the possibility of becoming a unique individual in his own right.
Dr Marie Montessori said "It follows that the new-born child has to do a piece of formative work which corresponds in the psychological sphere to the one just done by the embryo in the physical sphere. Before him there is a period of life different from that which he led in the womb; yet still unlike that of the man he is to become."
Dr Marie Montessori termed the new born child’s as a spiritual embryo .
The embryo has all the potential to attain the norm of a species in a preplaned environment .Here the term spritural means
• Intelligence
• Knowledge
• Self realization
• Memory
• Potential
Apart from potential all the other factors are at an embryonic stage i.e need to be developed
She has said that the psycho embryo of a child needs a womb similar to the physical one to develop and grow to its full potential and it is the preplaned environment that acts an a womb for the psyhic embryo to flourish.
The embryo has all the potential or the capacity to attain the level of a full grown species in a preplanned environment. Similarly the physco embryo also needs a woob to develop and that is the environment that is provided to the child .All the attributes of the personality are there in the womb that need to be developed . The will power of the child helps in building the psychic embryo .
Example…the child wil become what he wants to become. The environment that is provided to him will determine the quality of his being..
Another example is a rose bud will bloom into a rose