Two of the most celebrated are Courir de Mardi Gras and Mardi Gras itself (Mckinney). Courir de Mardi Gras translates to “Fat Tuesday Run” (Mckinney). This sub-holiday takes place during Mardi Gras, but has it’s own set of traditions. The rules include that the participants in the run, follow Le Capitaine (the leader), who is on horseback, to a nearby house, and Le Capitaine must ask the owner of the house, if he/she, and all of the participants, may enter the property to play pranks on any of the inhabitants, and each other (Mckinney). Furthermore, to make the holiday truly exciting, during the celebration, Le Capitaine reserves the right to lash at any participant with his or her whip, at any time. This joyful event dates back to hundreds of years ago, when Louisiana was still under French control ( Staff). Although, back in the day, the whipping of participants was much less for show, but more to actually inflict pain. The holiday is significantly more exuberant in present time because, in the end, everyone who participates receives a heaping serving of New Orleans specified communal gumbo (Tenant). Courir de Mardi Gras is one of many French holidays celebrated in New Orlean today. All things considered, Mardi Gras itself is the daddy of all French holidays. Mardi Gras is a celebration that begins before Ash Wednesday, which is a religious day that signals the beginning of Lent (McKinney). This holiday is celebrated all over the world, during the spring season. The masses of Orleanians join together to dance, sing, and eat their way through the festivities. These festivities include things such as: parades, drinking contest, outdoor concerts, and of course, competitions to see who can wear the most beads. A major tradition involved with Mardi Gras is wearing shiny, multi-colored beads (Codrescu). Men, women, and children can participate by layering on dozens of bead necklaces, and showing them…