Throughout his entire life, a person undergoes physical and emotional upheavals. This transition starts from birth till death. The varied experiences and skill carry us from one stage to another. Opposites like good and bad, independent and dependent, leader or follower etc. govern the life. Erik Erikson divided the human life into eight stages from birth till death, based on the interaction of body, mind and ego. Read on to know various stages in a person’s life. Various Stages In A Person's Life Psychologist Erik Erikson describes eight stages of development in human lives. Stage 1: Infancy
Time Span: Birth to eighteen months. Babies tend to put everything in their mouth, which made Erikson refer infancy as Oral Sensory Stage. This stage is characterized by the dependence of the infant on the mother for basic sustenance. The baby feels the world through the parents. When all the needs of the infant are met at this stage, a basic understanding of thrust and confidence is developed. If the infant doesn’t experience thrust then a deep rooted feeling of mistrust and worthlessness is developed. In this period, the most significant relationship is with the constant caregiver. The psychological conflict in infancy is between trust and mistrust, and the basic strength ingrained is hope. Stage 2: Early childhood Time Span: Eighteen months to 2 to 3 years. Though parents still remain the main objects of security, the toddler is on the process of mastering skills like walking, talking and feeding by themselves. The kid learns that he or she is independently capable of doing things. Learning skills gives more control over the body, in sense autonomy. The child asserts his/her will and increased mobility increases the self-esteem. Encouragements from the parents instill autonomy while demanding and restricting the child will develop shame and doubt. The development of ‘will’ is due to the ability of the child to use the