Abstract: In the very mature financial services industry, it is rare for a new financial product to garner much attention, let alone be named one of BusinessWeek’s outstanding products of the year. But what started as a way for Starbucks, a leading specialty coffee company, to add value to its existing Starbucks Card program developed into a financial product that many other institutions are interested in exploring. The case describes a study conducted by Starbucks Coffee Company, partnered with Bank One and Visa, to test the viability of a “dual function card” concept. Starbucks Coffee Company, who pioneered the study, aimed to take their customers’ satisfaction experience to another level. Rresearch was conducted to explore how receptive customers would be to the marrying of their existing pre-paid stored-value card with that of a major credit card. Preliminary findings from the study indicated that the dual function card concept yielded success.
URLs: www.starbucks.com; www.bankone.com; www.visa.com
DVD Material: A full video case is available on the text DVD.
How to Use
This case relates well to various chapters.
Used with Chapters 4 and 5, you can build the management-research question hierarchy, as the introductory stage of the research project. Exhibit 4-2 provides an example. Exhibits 5-6, 5-8 display the management-research question hierarchy and provide students with detailed steps, stepping from the management dilemma up through the process.
The case can also be used with Chapters 9 and 7 to discuss data collection methodologies such as surveys and interviews.
Used with Chapter 14, you can discuss basic sampling concepts.
Used with Chapters 11 and 12 allows students to explore different measurements and measurement scales used in research.
This case is also a video case on the text DVD. We suggest that you review the video case analysis as well as