I would like to begin to relate my work to my chosen theme ‘outside of this world’. As I believe there are things beyond the visible/physical realm. I would like to explore metaphysical and epistemological distinctions between appearance and reality. As I will flourish these ideas in my work, as I become to understand that physical objects cannot justifiably be said to exist within themselves, but only as sensory stimuli situated in time and in space. In particular, phenomenalism reduces talk about physical objects in the external world to talk about bundles of sense-data. This will help me to comprehend relationships between my subject matter, due to my ability to look further inside to create a response of my primary research not only visually but expand the idea of the influx world, through the constant change of space and time.
I will like to explore the significant of psychological disorders and examine how mental disorders generally effect how a person feels, acts, thinks or perceives. I am intrigued by what is beyond human’s physical nature, but however interested in the forms of how their minds work. I will also like to research how the human body changes under certain conditions and how that can change people mentally.
I intend to make a series of paintings and drawings to show the process of the development of human’s journey from the visible realm to the intelligible realm. I will create this through ideas such Plato’s similes; the sun, the divided line and the cave analysed in the republic. For instant Plato defines the realm of appearance as our everyday experiences, analogous to the physical or external world in many philosophies. However the intelligible realm is a more exclusive world, only accessible via contemplative powers of reason. The objects in this world are those of knowledge and are what Plato labels ‘the forms’. As we discover, he thinks that only these intelligible object that possess genuine