I have been striving towards saving up money to travel and peruse internships that can help me work towards my career. With the study abroad experience, I can finally be able to make my dream of traveling become a reality.
I have never had the opportunity to travel out of the country before and I believe that traveling will help expand my mindset to a variety of cultures as well as help me grow as a person. Studying abroad will help me with boosting my confidence, independence, responsibility, adaptability, as well as my foreign language proficiency. These qualities and skills will help me to push myself out of my comfort zone and I can use these improved skills in future employment and internships as well as throughout my life. Lastly, my professional goals entail working as a public relations specialist in New York City after finishing my degree. Public Relations people work with a variety of companies and individuals and require an adventurous attitude as well as a creative spirit. Through study abroad, I can help enhance these qualities as well as become more globally aware and well rounded in my education, which can later help me to become a more desirable employee in the near future. Overall, with all the goals I have for the future, studying abroad with Marist International Programs will help me to become aware and show me personal growth. These qualities are important and the experience to study abroad will help me achieve and fulfill all my academic, personal, and professional