a) The current world population proves to be growing tremendously (world bank, 2013) Positive • The number of prospective clients base increases which mean more revenue
b) High growth rate and GDP in most regions (the Sun,2013)
In the second quarter of 2013, Malaysian GDP grew at a seasonally adjusted 1.4 percent over the previous quarter, recovering from the first quarter's 0.4 percent contraction (Joana Taborda, 2013) Positive • The flow of goods and people will continue to increase over time resulting in massive investments as most investors are drawn by an increase in the growth of the economy of which in this case is at 4.5 - 5 percent range this year.
c) Transport development strongly focuses on urban areas following the global trend of urbanization. (transport logistics, 2013) Positive • Research has shown that only 69% of rural residents have access to reliable transport. So Hermes will generate more income.
d) Hermes uses the manual system to record and track its daily business processes Negative. • This not only takes too much time but it also creates a window for errors and mishandling of a lot of documents.
e) With IBM opening a global delivery centre in Cyberjaya things are looking up. (Chong, X) Positive • There will be job opportunities plus Hermes will get to implement IT systems in order to aid in improving work flow.
f) There is a massive change in technology. Negative • With technology advancing every day, soon there will be technologies developed to reduce the need to travel which will result in loss of potential and current clients.
g) Internet exposure (Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL. 6, NO.3, 2005) Positive
Negative • Improved social networking sites that permit different industries to gain brand awareness from the society.
• Hackers can jeopardize the company by acquiring information about it and selling it to its