Introduction Leukemia has led to a significant change in the world of Science and Technology. It became the basis of research for discovering several possible cures to counter this killer disease. This is the beginning of a new medicinal era. Leukemia is a kind of cancer of the blood or bone marrow which is caused by an immature increase of white blood cells. These are called blasts. For several years, there are approximately 256, 000 children and adults around the world who have developed some form of Leukemia and 209, 000 have died from it.
To treat this, others have resorted to Chemotherapy: a cancer treatment that uses potent drugs to eliminate cancer cells. But still, it is hard to limit the side effects of this therapy because not only does it destroy Leukemia cells but also damages healthy Leukocytes, cells and tissues that may possibly result to side effects.
Generally, the side effects may vary from person to person. When chemotherapy affects these cells, it may lower the patients’ resistance to infection: patients may lose energy frequently and may bruise or bleed easily. They may lose their hair. They may also experience having nausea, vomiting, and mouth sores.
Chemotherapy can also affect a patient’s fertility. Women’s menstrual cycles may become irregular or may even stop. Men may stop producing sperm. Some of them may not be able to have children when they mature.
Leukemia has not only given us negative effects but it has also led to unstable emotions felt by the patients and their families. Patients may look down on themselves and develop self pity. Others may lose hope. Families also carry the pain of thinking that their loved ones may leave anytime soon.
The topic that will be discussed in the research paper is about a possible cure which may counter Leukemia: Stem Cell Therapy. This therapy may help the patients diagnosed with this killer disease to find hope and this may also lessen the number