The fact that people are always judged for their actions and behavior could be one of the biggest problems in an organization. Stereotyping is a fixed notion of people, coming up with their own assumption and judgment even before giving the respective a chance to explain the reason for both their actions and behavior. Stereotyping is a closure in which each individual blocks the opportunities of what people really are. People often take in all the information they feel most comfortable with and then close up. Thus, stereotypes are formed.
There are many different kinds of stereotype that can go round in an organization. Such as gender, sex, status, etc. All these are formed because people are not open-minded enough to accept the fact that all human beings are different in their own way. There are still organizations that possess high masculinity in this generation where the men have more mobility compared to the women. In such an organization, they do not believe that women are capable of performing as well as men in the same task. Thus, women are not given the equal opportunity to excel. Yet, what these organizations have failed to understand is that, both the male and the female have their own good points in their work ethic. Research shows that men are more assertive, women are more cooperative; men are focused, specific and logical, women are holistic, organic and wide-angle. However before they come to a realization, the women would have already left the organization due to feeling taken advantage of and unfairness.
Another very common stereotype, which is found not only in organizations but also in the society, would be sexual orientation. Up till today, gays are still constantly being judged in our society when they actually make up 11% of the world’s population and are still growing. The few reasons why people discriminate against gays is because they do not understand why they choose to behave this way and they
References: 1. Juliet Andrews, 2010, Stereotypes in the workplace and a test that shows you are not innocent, [18 Feb. 2012] 2. Brian Amble, 2005, Gender stereotypes block women 's advancement, [18 Feb. 2012] 3. Ashford, S. J., & Tsui, A. S. (1991). Self-regulation for managerial effectiveness: The role of active feedback seeking. Academy of Management Journal, 34, 251-280. 4. Ashford, S. J., & Northcraft, G. B. (1992). Conveying more (or less) than we realize: The role of impression-management in feedback-seeking. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 5. Bazelon, E. (2009, July 7). The place of women on the court. The New York Times, p. MM22 6. Dunkle, J.H., & Francis, P.L. (1990). The role of facial masculinity/femininity in the attribution of homosexuality. Sex Roles, 23, 157-167. 7. Schneider, D.J. (2004). The Psychology of Stereotyping. New York: The Guilford Press. 8. Michael Moore, 2009, Third Circuit Distinguishes "Sexual Stereotyping" from "Sexual Orientation" Discrimination, [18 Feb. 2012] 9. Catalyst, 2005, Women “Take Care,” Men “Take Charge:” Stereotyping of U.S. Business Leaders Exposed, [18 Feb. 2012] 10. Haslam, N. (1997). Evidence that male sexual orientation is a matter of degree. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(4), 862-870.