TTh 10:00-11:30
“Still Believe in Love”
Thesis Statement: Knowing how ACLE was done, assessing the class that was prepared and reviewing the movie that was presented will be able to write a commentary and effective reaction about the event. I. ACLE (Alternative Class Learning Experience) which falls on the second week of February showcases amazing fair but definitely different. A. Different organizations construct their booths at the gymnasium as we have expected yearly. B. In particular, Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) is one of the orgs who offers an ACLE class. II. CCC had its film showing in two batches and it caters many viewers. A. The movie is entitled “Fireproof.” B. It was a story of a couple who fix their marriage with the help of God. III. The movie is one of the interesting pieces and I considered it as an inspiration on top of the books that I have read. A. The actors play their role very well; they successfully deliver and stress the points of the film to the viewers. B. The effects and cinematography were fulfilled to the point that it became emotionally sustained. C. The movie help everyone to know God and know Him more.
This second week of February falls the U.P Fair. It is a weeklong celebration prepared by UPDEPP Student Council where a day is reserved for Alternative Class Learning Experience (ACLE). Classes were usually suspended in the afternoon but the students were required to attend a class held by the different organizations of the campus. In part of the U.P Fair, different booths and activities were found at the gymnasium. Also the “Iskopreniur” were launched with its theme “Iskopido” headed by Mr. Rayon Patawaran. It is Business Management students