Getting customers to a shop is the job of advertising and marketing. Once inside, the layout of the shop is one of the most important factors in ensuring the customer enjoys their experience. Most firms have their own specific way of presenting their stock and services to customers. Fleming (2007) states that “These have probably been decided on as a result of careful consideration of: How customers behave in your business, the best ways to make the stock look attractive, potential for impulse purchasing and our own experience and expectations as customers” (p. 40). There are some common elements which affect the way shops are designed which can help or thwart the selling environment. Fleming (2007) suggests that firstly, in a browsing or self-selection environment, most people prefer to circulate in a clockwise direction and some customers may leave prematurely if they feel they are being “influenced” to circulate counter-clockwise (p. 41).
Another key element is placing merchandise at eye level. “Grocery stores have followed the principle of placing the most profitable items at eye level and within easy reach of shoppers for decades” ( Fleming (2007) advises 5’4” for fashion merchandisers, and 5’9” for designers of fixtures in a men’s shop (p. 41).
Thirdly, customers like to be able to touch the merchandise. Fleming (2007) argues that “the more accessible the stock item, the more likely it is that the customer will want to test it – and being able to test it is more likely to encourage the customer to buy…” (p. 41).
In conclusion, the layout of the store directly impacts how many people will come into your store, how long they will stay there, and how well they will move around the store and interact with the stock you have for sale. (
FLEMING, P.R, (2007), Retail Selling, third edition, Cirencester, Management Books 2000 Ltd.
E-How 2011,
Bibliography: Books FLEMING, P.R, (2007), Retail Selling, third edition, Cirencester, Management Books 2000 Ltd. Websites E-How 2011, Hot Retail Tips 2011,