The work shop is designed to provide clarity about the language of social inclusion and social policy formulation for practitioners seeking to efficiently, effectively and effulgently apply processes of strategic thinking to achieve environmental changes. This set of strategic thinking constructs provides a platform for the design and construction of innovative, creative and entrepreneurial approaches to social policy objectives including social development, social inclusion, social justice and social responsibilities.
720o Thinking and Reconstructing Realities
Our Strategic Thinking Framework
Preferred and Desired Outcomes
Turbulence in the Environment
Bridging the Gaps
Managing Change and Constructing Social Policies
The Language of Social Inclusion
The Crisis Response Lab provides a 360degree context that seeks to position Greenpeace to respond to crises, pursuing an experimental approach to innovative activities in unfamiliar circumstances. It will experiment with and get ready to drive “non-linear change.” Our Strategic Thinking Workshop seeks to provide a 720degree level of consciousness that explores and enlivens the full double-hemisphere capacity of our minds to think beyond the possible to reconstruct preferred and desired futures.
Dr Simon Latham, in The Joy of Sin, musters evidence from psychology experiments by researchers worldwide to argue that the seven deadly sins (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride) are not necessarily bad. Simon says ' 'Under certain circumstances these things can bring about a range of benefits, including making one happier, smarter, more creative and increasing pro-social behaviour. '
Edward De Bono says “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in
References: The Mind Of The Strategist: The Art of Japanese Business Kenichi Ohmae (1959) Changing the Rules of the Game: Successful latecomers, Toyota in Europe Professor Kazuo Ichijo and George Rädler, Research Associate (November, 2006)