EC183/EEC1863 Section 02 Teacher Reflection I: Early Childhood Education as a Profession - Spring 2013
Nancy Kaczrowski
April 19, 2013
Biggest Strengths- Integrating Diversity into Learning.
When I was in high school we learned a lot about Diversity so I’m going to share with you all I learned I feel I will be able to use what I learned for my career in Early Childhood Education. Diversity allows more opportunities for learning and success. Diversity gives you more friendships for a sense of belonging. With Diversity it gives more childcare options where they feel welcomed. It gives more partnerships with staff members and even care providers. Working with diversity in schools you are able to be more creative with art, …show more content…
We all have hearts and brains. We are all different. We do not think or feel the same way." Another great example I think about when it comes to Diversity would be the song by Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror to me I think it talks about how everyone is different and unique in their own way no one is perfect but your always about to make a change in the world. Examples to show diversity in the real life I want to show the examples a different way I want to show examples of how you can promote diversity in the classroom. You can take time to learn about everyone’s background about the different interests they are in to and maybe learn about their different learning styles. Allow time for the children to learn one another you could always teach the children that everyone has their own weakness and strengths. A great example you could do is bring someone that deals with Diversity every day and have them talk to the class about their beliefs and the different qualities that they have this could be a good role model for the children. The last …show more content…
When I think about preparing the appropriate curricula I think of challenges I have to overcome a lot of researching. I think when facing the goal of preparing a curricula or even teaching strategies I think the best thing for me to do is maybe participate in trainings for my career or join a group to learn more. When thinking of these goals I know one thing that is important is to make sure the children are on track learning what they need to know to move on in their life and career. Examples of Teaching Strategies and Preparing Curricula there is a large variety of things that will help the children progress physically they could also progress mentally, and progress emotionally. There are a lot of curriculum activities that can be used you could try creative play counting numbers or how many blocks there are teach them how to sing their abc’s the last thing that could help them would be to teach them ways of learning how to take turns with