As Student Body vice president, interaction is a vital part of my duties. In order to voice the opinion of the public, I must communicate with the public. Initially, I thought I should refrain from personal vocalization. By nature, I like to be a silent observer. Watching instead of action is the guiding principal of my life. In addition, I intend to be a stickler for rules, to the point that it is sometimes is my downfall. I am over conscious of boundaries, and, as a result, followed my duties
to the letter. I only submitted unfiltered public opinion for review. I saw myself as representative, a mouthpiece of the people. The realization that I am more than a megaphone came during the homecoming season. I had to deal with spur of the moment problems from what adhesive to use to serious injuries. I couldn’t turn to the constitution for every crack and leak. Quickly I learned to adapt. When in action, certain rules are guidelines. It is not always possible to follow the book by the letter; when something happens, action is required; analysis can come later.
I am a firm believer that humans are a product of the environment. Though different interactions with people of varying backgrounds, experiences, and conditions. Student Council has been the highlight of my high school career. It has exposed me to diverse groups of people as well as encouraged me to look as the world differently. I have watch my view grow and flourish and I hope to continue this growth in college.