For sure, there are factors that caused this kind of thing to happen. Let me divide this into 2 factors; Individual Factors and Group Factors.
For individual factor, the first one is Teenager Stage.
Most of students are still searching for their identity. That’s why they’re curious. They want to know a lot of things. We almost can say that the student brawl itself is a part of their experiment.
The second one is Violence as Entertainment.
Nowadays there are a lot of video games, movies; even advertisement which is showing violence that makes people will think violence is something usual.
The third one is Less Communication from Parents.
This is the main problem that effect mostly. The parents didn’t give enough care to their children. Where she/ he is in this condition, it will be easier for her/ him to do a bad behavior. Student brawl is one of it.
The fourth one is Environment.
Environment will determine personality of persons. If she/ he rose in a good environment, he’ll be a good person. But if she/ he rose in a bad environment, she/he’ll be a bad person. And so on.
The fifth one is School. And the last of individual factor is wrong friend. This is also the main problem. Wrong friends can lead you into wrong behavior.
Next, Group factors
First is Sensation. They’re just curious what will happen if they do so. Second is being insulted. From a small thing can grow into a big problem just because being insulted. And the last is High Solidarity.