General information on SLiMS 1. What is SLiMS? SLiMS is the acronym for Student Life Management System. It is a new enhanced portal, replacing the current CCA Records system in OASIS. SLiMS will be a record of all your co-curriculum activities throughout your undergraduate studies at SMU. 2. What can we do in SLiMS/scopes of SLiMS? You may log into SLiMS to do the following: (i) Sign up as a member of a club/interest group - Search from ‘Student Organisation’ for the list of all CCA clubs/interest groups in SMU and click on the ‘Join’ button; Sign up to participate in the event/activity - Search for the ‘Activity’ listing to find the latest events and activities organized by SMU Offices & our student organizations. Click on the ‘Join’ button to sign up as participant; Official CCA transcript - Upon your graduation, SLiMS will generate for you an Official CCA transcript detailing all your participation in the different clubs/interest groups, events/activities in SMU and any other inter-tertiary, national, regional or international representation of SMU. Interim CCA transcript – Throughout your study in SMU, SLiMS can be used to generate your Interim CCA transcript, a progressive record of your participation in the various clubs/interest groups, events/activities, etc. as long as a student leader in the relevant clubs/interest groups, etc. have verified your status. (For staff users only) Generating reports for KPI reporting purposes.
Student Users 3. What happens when I click the ‘Join’ button of a club or activity (event)? A notification will be sent to the club’s Ex-Co or event’s Organising Committee to alert them of your sign-up. You will then be contacted accordingly by the Student Leaders or students-in-charge. 4. How do I key in my CCA club records? There are 2 ways in which this can be done: (i) (ii) You may click the ‘Join’ button of a particular club/group that interests you.