I take 100% responsibility.
I seek equity of voice. I am willing to talk about sensitive issues. I listen for understanding. I appreciate the strengths and contributions of others.
I bring positive energy and encouragement to the team.
I commit to the mission of the college.
Department of Health & Sport Sciences
Title of course: HPRO 2100 Wellness Concepts Practice
Course Description: Stressing individual responsibility for achieving optimal well-being, this course emphasizes preventive health practices which promote healthful lifestyles and reduce risk factors associated with disease.
Course Objectives: This course introduces the student to the concepts and issues related to all dimensions of wellness. The student will gain practical knowledge to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing.
Prerequisites and Corequisites: There are no prerequisites and/or corequisites for this course.
Required Text: Anspaugh, D. J., Hamrick, M. H., and Rosato, F. D. Wellness - Concepts and Applications. McGraw Hill.
ISBN 978-0-07-802250-0 Supplementary Materials: Internet resources.
Specific hardware requirements for this course includes: Adobe Acrobat Reader -- free download at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html. If you need software to view MS PowerPoint files, a free reader can be found at http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/CD010798701033.aspx You also need a word processor such as MSWord. Accepted file formats for papers are .doc and .rtf files.
Methods and Activities: The course requires reading and studying the text. In addition, a topical/lecture outline is provided for each chapter. Additional material will include Internet links, news articles, and interactive tools.
Course Topics:
Wellness and Fitness for Life (Chapter 1)
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease (Chapter 2)
Increasing Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Chapter 3) Building
Links: Special needs: Any student who has special needs for assistance and/or accommodation, and who is registered with the Office of Student Disability Services (678-2880), should consult with the instructor during the first week of classes. 2. You may speak to the instructor, and HSS faculty member, the Department Chair (678-4165), or the University’s Affirmative Action Officer (678-2713). 3. You may contact the Assistant Dean of Students (678-2298), in the Office of Student Judicial Affairs.