Indian consumers are much more cautious about shopping online as compared to the West. There are some players in the field of e-shopping such as
Amazon.com, Gateway.Inc, Buy.com, J.C. Penny, Office Depot, Costco Wholesale, QVC.com, Flipkart
There are many variables that affect consumer behavior for e-shopping the variables that the following research is concentrating on are credit card purchasing limit and mode of payment the research design employed is experimental and sampling method used is multi layered cluster sampling.
Internet provides a marketplace where buyers & sellers conduct transactions directly, interactively & is real time beyond the physical limitations.“E-marketers” i.e. Electronic Marketers can and do develop their marketing plans and strategies by studying the various factors influencing consumer behavior of the “virtual” consumer.The internet has evolved as an important marketing medium & is now becoming an integral part of a multi-channel strategy 1for almost all the business firms in India.The trend is almost same in India too despite the lower investment in B2C online shopping technology.In the immediate future, the B2C firms in India are expected to reverse the low-tech spending trend to refresh their e-Commerce platforms.Indian consumers are much more cautious about shopping online as compared to the West. They are reluctant to divulge credit card details. The cash on delivery service has helped a lot to of traditional consumers turn to online shopping.Also, the increasing access to internet, more iPads, Smart Phones, sophisticated technology that gives 3D view of products, time poor consumers, increasing cost of real estate, will all lead to a shift to a digital commerce.The total Internet user base in India (inclusive of shared devices & mobile) is at 124 million users in the month of July 2012. 1 out of
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