Research methodology – BMA9X04: Research proposal
Student number: 201222575 | Student name: KUTUKA C.A. | E-mail: | Telephone number 1: 071 046 1679 | | Telephone number 2: 079 460 9251 | Draft version: | The-one-pager | 1 | 2 | Exam | Title of your Research | Successful Post-Acquisition Change Management: A descriptive framework | | | | Checklist | Very poor | Poor | Satisfactory | Good | Excellent | Exceptional | SECTIONS | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | TITLE:Accurate reflection of contents; short & descriptive; contain key elements of study. | | | | | | | | BACKGROUND/RATIONALE: Sufficiently contextualize topic & problem statement; clear outline of purpose; worth investigating. | | | | | | | | PRELIMINARY LITERATURE REVIEW/THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: Literature relevant to topic; main trends/debates/arguments; context of topic in previous research. | | | | | | | | RESEARCH PROBLEM & OBJECTIVES: Problem informed by debates; clearly formulated; capture focus; congruent to title/aim; suitable; realistic. | | | | | | | | RESEARCH DESIGN:Appropriate to problem; acceptable research practice and convention. | | | | | | | | RESEARCH METHODS: Planned procedure sampling/measuring; validity of data; data analysis; ethics acceptable; feasible. | | | | | | | | TIME FRAME & BUDGET:Clear idea of overall logic; realistic time frame & budget | | | | | | | | CHAPTER OUTLINE / STRUCTURAL FORMAT DESIGN:Appropriate layout; logical flow. | | | | | | | | REFERENCES: Academically accepted referencing convention; consistent style; correlates with references in text. | | | | | | | | ORGANISATION & PRESENTATION:Appropriate layout, academic language and style; coherent; logical flow & arrangement. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | TOTAL | /50 |
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