As for 2026, it is impossible to tell what company I will work with or if I will have wife, two kids, a dog, and a house in the suburbs. What I can say; however, with great certainty, is that I will be a success as a direct result of my education
at Bentley. A success not derived from monetary goals or tangible rewards, but a champion in perpetual learning and taking advantage of new opportunities as well as creating some of my own. I will be a civic leader, regardless of profession and a thoughtful socialite. Thankfully, professional success is a given at Bentley, but few schools can guarantee me that when I leave, I will have the drive and determination to excel in every facet of life. Bentley University provides this crucial element. My life, in 2026, will be inexorably launched on a course that favors the benefit of myself and the world around me.