The Succession Planning Process
With KMx, you will be able to build the foundation for a customized succession planning process that will work specifically for the organization. KMx Performance Management enables you to put the groundwork into place today for developing the best talent at every level of the organization. By designing a performance management profile for every key job in the organization you will be creating a succession planning roadmap for the future.
Stage 1 – Creation of Knowledge and Skill Profiles (K/S Tables)
In KMx, K/S Tables are a listing of knowledge and skill behaviors associated with a particular subject area. K/S Tables are subdivided into types (normally knowledge and skill) and areas to further classify behaviors. K/S Table behaviors are sequenced in order of increasing complexity or logical progression. In addition to providing the primary content cataloging schema with KMx, K/S Table also provide the foundation for development of personnel labor classifications that are specific enough to support the succession planning process. Leveraging wizards provided by KMx, the organization will be able to quickly identify and document the key knowledge, skills and competencies to drive the performance management program and set the framework for a succession plan.
Stage 2 – Mapping organizational best practices and corporate values to create a succession planning program
Mapping best practices to subject area behaviors (created during Stage 1) with organizational performance measures provides the measuring stick for performing an