
Summary Kwame Anthony Appiah Making Conversation

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One generation after another passes by with new ways of thinking and understanding attached to each of them, one never being exactly the same as the one before or after it. In Kwame Anthony Appiah’s articles, “Making Conversation” and “The Primacy of Practice”, he goes into great depth over the concept of conversation being the most critical component of differences being pushed aside, with global-wide acceptance and understanding attached to it. In not only today’s society but also past society’s, people have always looked at others of different religions and cultures in a way of confusion and disgust because of the things they do differently from them. This issue has lead to many problems throughout the world because most do not take the …show more content…

“Furthermore, no sane person on either side thinks that saving human lives or allowing people to medical autonomy is the only thing that matters” (Appiah 80). Yes, people who are pro-life and pro-choice do understand the fundamentals of the overall disagreement, but that does not mean they will not butt heads repeatedly. Just because they respect each other’s viewpoints does not mean that one side will not settle until they have reached full success. In their minds they only see their viewpoint of the topic as being “right”. Having such a strong side over a party that has an equally strong side over the same subject makes the debate that more vicious because they put so much emotion and dedication into it and will not care about anything the other has to say. What also makes this topic different is the fact that every generation develops their own values, the way they see things and think things should be. I grew up as a child listening to what my parents said, but as I got older I started questioning things they told me and eventually it has come to me seeing different sides of things compared to them. Likewise, it is nearly impossible to undermine the fact that as new generations arise, they too will see things in a different light and will object to what others tell them to be

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