
Summary Of Food Inc. By Robert Kenner

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Summary Of Food Inc. By Robert Kenner
In “Food, Inc.” by Robert Kenner, he tries to illustrate how the American system of food production has shifted from farmers to consumers to business-owned farms selling to massive stores that then distribute the food. Kenner’s stance is that this system is harmful to people due to the fabricated chemicals used, the animals raised in inhumane conditions, or the land that is farmed far beyond its capacity and then filled with inorganic fertilizers to compensate. Kenner demonstrates these facts through memorable visuals and relating it to the more clear interests of the audience -- their health. Despite the film’s artful execution, it presents an argument weakened by its inability to provide concessions to the opposing side or thoughtful explanations s to why this system has been created. …show more content…
The filmmakers understood that they need to be able to clearly show what they’re describing because some facts, like how many acres of corn there are in the United States or how terrible chicken coops for major brands like Tyson are, without the audience writing the data off as an exaggeration or not fully understanding the true scope of the situation. The layman, for obvious reasons, really care about where their food comes from because it impacts their health or how the live their lifestyle. The audience, who may be seeing such horrendous practices for the very first time, is meant to feel moved to shift away from conventional agriculture. Within the past few years, a clear shift in how people chose to shop for food and the products that they are buying has occurred. That’s why organic food and products are becoming so widely available in places that they would not have been even five years

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