I agree with this article for numerous reasons. Mainly because if we start taking down statues of our history because someone is shook up we will have to take down and put up new statues as soon as some people are angry about what went on in that time also. Continuing on that topic, not just Washington but almost if not all Presidents owned slaves before it was outlawed. By the left's view point here they were all bad people and should not be remembered because they stood for something that today is considered inhuman and barbaric. With regard to Columbus, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. He came over to America and brought the practices of the European people. For instance, if he didn't decide to come over here and bring all the …show more content…
He might not have brought the best things to America but he is a very important part of our history.
Those Who Don’t Fight Evil Fight Statues
The left has good ideas in theory but they just don’t work in real life situations sometimes. They have to be so politically correct that they fight for problems that sound great but when it really comes down to it they aren’t huge issues compared to other things. Why fight racism and sexism in America when most of this country is very accepting of both different races and have men and women treated very equally. If the left decided to fight sexism in the middle east and in countries where women have rights that are microscopic compared to what they have here it would be completely different. Do I think that the left is fighting for many of the right things? Do I believe that their hearts are in the right place? Yes of course they are. Should someone be discriminated against in theory because they are a minority? Of course not. In theory, many things work but there are reasons why some people feel more afraid when they see people of a middle eastern background on a plane. Does that make them racist? Definitely, but is there anything wrong with using your instincts and thinking about the past in relation to