The story initiates with a Grinch who loathes the idea of Christmas. He went as far as peculating Christmas items from the residents of “Who-ville” in hopes of ruining this holiday. When in fact, during Christmas day, despite the citizens not receiving presents (Seuss) , they still continued to celebrate with a positive attitude by singing, and soon realized that Christmas “does not come from a store” (Seuss). From this, the Grinch recognized how those around you influence the way you feel and proceeds to make
The story initiates with a Grinch who loathes the idea of Christmas. He went as far as peculating Christmas items from the residents of “Who-ville” in hopes of ruining this holiday. When in fact, during Christmas day, despite the citizens not receiving presents (Seuss) , they still continued to celebrate with a positive attitude by singing, and soon realized that Christmas “does not come from a store” (Seuss). From this, the Grinch recognized how those around you influence the way you feel and proceeds to make