The narrative story appeals to the audience and makes them feel curious about what Anzaldua’s interpretation of her argument. Using relative story as opening words definitely stimulates my interest of keeping reading the article and maintaining curious about the following content. Anzaldua uses several subtitles to categorize things she illustrates, such as Overcoming the tradition of silence, Chicano Spanish, Linguistic terrorism, etcetera, which summarizes her main content of the following paragraph and makes a clear illustrational structure to her audience. These subtitles seem to be drastically useful for me to understand her statement better by baring the summarized essences in mind while reading the following content. Moreover, she incurs pathos within her audience including me by narrating her own experience of being constrained by the tradition of silence. She also lists a bunch of detailed examples such as the difference pronunciation and spelling between Chicano Spanish and general Spanish to point out the nuances between them, which functions well of appealing audience who are Spanish speakers or have similar cultural background like
The narrative story appeals to the audience and makes them feel curious about what Anzaldua’s interpretation of her argument. Using relative story as opening words definitely stimulates my interest of keeping reading the article and maintaining curious about the following content. Anzaldua uses several subtitles to categorize things she illustrates, such as Overcoming the tradition of silence, Chicano Spanish, Linguistic terrorism, etcetera, which summarizes her main content of the following paragraph and makes a clear illustrational structure to her audience. These subtitles seem to be drastically useful for me to understand her statement better by baring the summarized essences in mind while reading the following content. Moreover, she incurs pathos within her audience including me by narrating her own experience of being constrained by the tradition of silence. She also lists a bunch of detailed examples such as the difference pronunciation and spelling between Chicano Spanish and general Spanish to point out the nuances between them, which functions well of appealing audience who are Spanish speakers or have similar cultural background like