Luath, a young and strong Labrador Retriever; Bodger, an old English Bull Terrier and Tao, a sleek and resolute Siamese cat are pets of ‘The Hunter Family’ and lives in northwestern
Ontario in Canada. When the ‘Hunters’ leave for England for a few months these three lovable pets are left in the care of ‘John Longridge’, a family friend. With in a few days Longridge and the animals settle into a routine life of mutual companionship and contentment. But when Longridge leaves for a two-week hunting trip, Luath who was constantly longing for the company of the ‘Hunter Family’ urges the two other animals to take a journey towards their original home which is about 300 miles away. Following their instincts and led by Luath, these three incredibly loyal companions braves through the harsh Canadian wilderness overcoming a range of obstacles – like starvation, drowning, attacks from wild beasts, exposure to nature and really harsh terrain - fueled only by their mutual love and their insatiable desire to be with their owner. Author does a commendable job of describing the frigid scenery of the Canadian wilderness and the approach of the winter with supreme clarity and this adds to the reading pleasure.
One of the strengths of the book is the choice by the author not to make it into a fantasy by giving the animals ability to talk; instead Sheila Burnford presents the story by observing and narrating each details of adventure, misery, plight and danger that the animals experience from the journey to the reader lucidly, which makes it seem a realistic tale.
Incredible Journey is a fantastic book, which narrates an incredibly charming story of love, survival, loyalty and companionship brimming with adventure and excitement and the calm pace with which the narration follows will mesmerize the reader. If you have a young reader at home, or if you love animals, or if you are a reader who love to read something that will make you feel good then this story, which has a healthy dose of ‘sharing and caring’, is highly recommended.