By doing the Exercises on our book on page 387, I have found out that these are my scores in Big 5 Inventory:
Scale 0 = 20 points
Scale C = 27 points
Scale E = 26 points
Scale A = 28 points
Scale N= 19 points
For Scale O, getting a 20/ 35 score means that I am not really adventurous and daring. I know that since I was young. I don’t usually like trying something new or something “scary” because I am a bit weary leaving my comfort zone. The good thing is with the kind of work that I have, I am very content with my service outcome because taking care of patient is kind of a routine work. The problem that I see now is sometimes, I need to deal with the reality that trying something that I have never done before can teach me new experiences in life that I may later share with the people around me when I become a leader.
For Scale C, getting a 27/ 35 score means that I’m organized, reliable and responsible. I believe that these qualities can really help me to become a more effective leader someday. A leader must be reliable because the members of the team will look up to her and will always seek for support or assistance. Being responsible is a very vital character of a leader because being responsible is a trait that will help determine to team’s achievement of its goal. I think, I must continue and strengthen these characters because a being a conscientious person is a trustworthy being.
For Scale E, I got 26/ 35 and it means that I got a pretty high score in being an extrovert person. I believe that being outgoing, friendly, sociable and people- oriented person are leadership traits that can help me more be emphatic and work well with a group. Being sociable will help me in strengthening my professional network. I must just keep in mind to be reserved, too when the situation calls for it like Board Meetings and Employee Interviews.
For Scale A, I got 28/ 35 that describes me as good- natured, considerate, cooperative and kind. I think these