is false advertisement package said do not have any byproduct but the spokesman said it does contain byproducts, but instead the red dye drane out of the patty while contacted with heat. I'm questioning why would she still continue eating dog or why did she even thought of that idea. When she described the do food it literally shiver throughout my spine and causing me to think of expired food that I accidently ate or did not know they were passed there do date. After reading this essay made me feel bit nauseous mainly because of the meatloaf I have for lunch. (237)
is false advertisement package said do not have any byproduct but the spokesman said it does contain byproducts, but instead the red dye drane out of the patty while contacted with heat. I'm questioning why would she still continue eating dog or why did she even thought of that idea. When she described the do food it literally shiver throughout my spine and causing me to think of expired food that I accidently ate or did not know they were passed there do date. After reading this essay made me feel bit nauseous mainly because of the meatloaf I have for lunch. (237)