Uder is a fiction novel written by Moses Oyes. It's about an orphan boy named Uder who runs from a foster home and live in a low settlement called "Texas". There he meets Jenggo, an ex-professional thief who teaches him how to be an even much more professional thief.
Years later, a small girl named Tina and her autistic friend, Ong Wie come and live in"Texas" with Uder. Together they become a professional thief team.
One day, they accidentally get in touch with FM Brotherhood, an international giant criminal organization in the world. The FM Brotherhood
hire them to seek an heirloom called "Tree of Life" from the land of Borneo.
Uder and his friends begin their journey in Borneo and get taught about the original concept of the "Tree of Life" which called "Batang Garing Belom" by the local people.
Apparently, inside the organization of FM Brotherhood there are conflicts to claim the highest throne in FM Brotherhood. It brings Uder and his friends into the family war of FM Brotherhood in Sydney, Australia.
While trying to relinquish himself from the war inside the organization of FM Brotherhood, he has to fight so hardly to safe Tina and Ong Wie.
This teaches us how deep a true friendship worth and how we have to truly appreciate our culture. The writer takes us so deeply into this book, he succeeded to make me feel like Uder with all of his adventures.
The combination between the exotic land of Borneo and the modernity in Sydney is a genius way to enrich our knowledge. The philosophy are deep but also light and easy to understand.
This book is very recommended for book lovers or beginners. Feel the sensation of the real adventure in this book!