Executive Summary The Context of Training in The Supplier Development Process Assessing the needs for supplier development training/Planning the Implementation
- Benchmarking Company X1@’s supplier development stages of excellence
- Assessing Company X1@’s supplier skills and benchmarking against best practice companies
- Defining/prioritizing required skills training topics/areas to bridge the skill gaps
- Developing topical area curriculums - Detail Implementation Planning
Executive Summary
Context of training in the supplier development process: Company X1@’s supplier development initiative aims to increase spend with local community, increase employment and hence greater investment in line with promises made to the communities at the business case stage of the project. In order to achieve this it will require changes in the approach to engagement of emerging suppliers and key stakeholders across the region . Hence the need for a comprehensive training program to equip all suppliers/stakeholders with the prerequisite skills to contribute to the initiative.The comprehensive training program is a four parts exercise: I. Needs Assessment & Design II. Implementation Planning III. Training Program Roll-out, and IV. Training Program Performance Monitoring, Measurement and Reporting.
Part I, Needs Assessment The key result of Part I will be a comprehensive assessment of needed skills trainingto develop supplier capabilities. Additional products of Part I include - Company X1@ specific Supplier Development Methodology
A comprehensive assessment of supplier skills - The gap between supplier skills and desired skills
Part II, Implementation Planning will involve the development and documentation of a detailed roll-out plan covering all Company X1@’s supplier development process stakeholders (mainly suppliers) Part 111,Training program roll out: A roll out schedule will be developed