"You weren't born knowing how to hate, you were taught how to hate."
I believe in Gay-Marriage, I was raised knowing that I should be myself, and believe in what I please. I'm not writing this to go against anyone else, or to offend anyone's thoughts of life. I'm just writing my opinion out, just like I was asked to do. This is an essay, I'm writing on why we should legalize Gay-Marriage.
As a citizen, I have a right to support Gay-Marriage, I also believe in Limited Government.
· Limted government, means the government should only be allowed to make laws concerning those things which are specified in the Constitution.
Marriage isn't one of them. Therefore I believe there should be no tax breaks …show more content…
Because they knew of no one else who once practiced the particular beliefs. Since we are not forbidden from practicing any religions, and surely a gay man or woman can certainly conceive of an independent religion in which gay marriage is celebrated as a holy union, the first amendment would seem to protect their rights on this matter. The government can certainly ignore their union, but it would also have to ignore the heterosexual unions. We all should be treated equal. If you deny the homosexuals the right to marry, you deny them of this important privilege and create injustice. My argument is this, either give gays the right to marry as a protection of their first amendment right to freedom of religion, or stop giving tax breaks only to those involved in a heterosexual …show more content…
Therefore what God has joined together, let man not seperate." (Matthew 19:6)
Since many people accociate marriage with the church, then to them, this aforementioned versus would make the marriage of homosexuals a sin, and therefore be wrong. But then on the other hand, you have millions of pople in the nation who are not Christians, so the idea of sin isn't something they would believe in. Why should a law be created that affect everyone, based on a religious view held by only portion of the population?
To get around this, people have started to claim that gay marriage would devalue marriages. One would then have to take into consideration that millions of people get divorced now-a-days, even people in the Christian community. how can one action be legal and not the other? Wouldn't divorce be just as bad in the eyes of God? But yet people think Polygamy is okay? More than one wife/husband, but can't accept two of the same being in love, and married? This world is filled with hypocritical judgemental people.
(I have one more point to