Ms. Mary Glenn
10th Grade
March, 21 2013
What is the Deep Web
Surface Web and its Benefits
There is a big influence of technology on our daily life. Electronic devices, multimedia and computers are things we have to deal with everyday.
The Internet, especially, is becoming more and more important for nearly everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward-looking media and surely -“the”- medium of the future. (Markus Temmel, Martina Theuermann, Eva Ukowitz, and Tanja Vogrin 2001)
The future is here, and we live it every day by waking up and grabbing the device that is nearest to us, looking at the screen and confirming that this will be a nice day. All of this is only possible because of the Internet.
According to the Freesoft Encyclopedia this untouchable (maybe touchable with touchscreen devices) interactive multimedia library has made human life easier and faster for the last 18 years. It was created in 1969 by the Defense Department with the purpose of wartime digital communication. It was called the DARPA Internet Program. But the Internet as we know it now was reformed, modified,and commercialized in early 1990, and the World Wide Web (WWW) was introduced.
(Brent Baccala, Kyle Hourihan, 2012)
It takes about five seconds to find anything on the web. It is as easy as typing some label words, pressing the enter key, or -cliking the “search” button-, and a couple million options will appear on the screen. This process has become more simple over time and new microphone and voice recognition software enables disabled people to dictate to their Internet connected device, what is that they want to see, hear, or read.
Introduction to the Deep Web
But is the search engine showing all of the results available? This is a question that is rarely posed, but I found the answer, and it is: No.
According to Luisiana State University, when you use a search engine like Google or Yahoo!, the information you