Created in 1994 and launched in 1995, today is a group which count several websites and search engine such as Alexa or A9,, the Internet Movie Database ( or even the group Abebooks, specialized in ancient and rare books. In 2007, Jeff Besos, Amazon 's CEO, launched the Kindle, made to compete with a whole new range of pads like the Apple Ipad. Over the years Amazon has diversified its activities and is today competing on a product entirely different from their original service. This is due to the business experience developed over the years which has create opportunities for Amazon. Nevertheless some onlooker are still suspicious on the ability of the company to compete with long-term high technological companies and become a sustainable payer. Although future cannot be predicted, this imply that before engaging the company in such a campaign, the management has surely analysed the business environment.
Investigating the business environment is a crucial step in the decision making process. It has to be updated frequently since a company 's environment is always evolving. A company is affected by many factors and influences which are part of the environment, and the work of the management is to understand and give effect to this environment.
The easiest part is to determine all the environmental factors. The tricky part is then to settle a representation that allows to understand which influences have a true impact on the firm. There are many ways to analyse a business environment but the more used and famous tools are Porter 's five forces model and the SWOT analysis. Besides this is what we will discuss through this paper.
As a first part, we will see what are the features, advantages and drawbacks of the SWOT analysis, and for a second part we will introduce the Porter 's model. This in order to discern in what way does the Porter 's model
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