* Famous brand of Marriott hotel chain in 67 countries,focus on B2C and B2B market * Staff(130 full-time employees) and staffs turnover is only 5%- high retention level, but during summer time number of employees increases (full-time and part-time) * Advantage of location according to the centre of Copenhagen and water view * Discounts packages for customers (family discounts, free transportation before/ after cruise) and the points system * Company’s culture is orientated to the statement “How Marriott never forgets a guest.”- high attention to the customer * Core product is experience for customers and also additional services * Green key hotel and Environmental Committee * A lot of rooms (383) and 11 conference rooms, which are big in European standards; * Mergers with Tivoli and transportation company
* Customer satisfaction: 81.2 % in 2009, 18.8% of customers can influence negatively on reputation, because of mouth-to-ear information distribution * High prices in 5* hotel (food and beverage, rooms), extra expenses (Wi-Fi);
* To have more facilities: like swimming pool or water center, boat trips * Eco- food will support the idea of the “environmental fight”
* Monopolistic competition, 65 competitors: 3-5 star hotels in Copenhagen; * Financial situation: crisis, inflation influences on customer decisions
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