How the company responded to the issue
Apple made some changes to turn the business around again. In May 2001, Apple announced the opening of the Apple retail stores in major US consumer locations. These stores were designed to stem the tide of Apple¡¯s declining share of the computer market and to counter a poor record of marketing Apple products by their-party retail outlets. In addition, Apple introduced its first iPod portable digital audio player later that year. It was an entirely new product line from its computer business. Soon after the introducing of iPod, Itunes Store was established to offer online music downloads for US 99 cents a song for its iPod lines. Besides music, more than 2200 television shows, in addition to full-length films from Disney, are also available on iTunes (Scientific American, 2007.)
Outcomes of the company¡¯s response to the situation
The outcomes of the changes are enormous. The iPod has become a billion-dollar blockbuster since it introduced. Nearly 100 million units have been sold even though it was not originally perceived to be a successful