Chemical milk, popularly termed as "synthetic milk", is the invention of devil-minded mafia of certain milk traders. Of late reports have been received that large quantities of such spurious and fatal product have found way in markets of Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa. The monster is surfacing in Punjab and Haryana also.
Chemicals like urea, caustic soda, refined oil (cheap cooking oil) and commonly used detergents are used in the preparation of synthetic milk. Detergents are added to emulsify and dissolve the oil in water, giving the frothy solution the characteristic white colour of milk.
Refined oil is used as a substitute for milk fat. Caustic soda is added to the blended mixture of chemical and natural milk to neutralise the effect of increased acidity, thereby preventing it from turning sour during transport.
Urea/sugar is added for levelling the contents of solid-not-fat (SNF) as are present in the natural milk.
The cost of preparing synthetic milk is less than Rs 3 per litre and it is sold to consumers at a price ranging between Rs 10 and Rs 15 per litre after blending with natural milk.
Chemical or synthetic milk looks like natural milk as far physical appearance is concerned, but it is totally different in taste. It does not have any nutritive valued. Contrarily, it is a health hazard and harmful if consumed. The use of chemical or synthetic milk has been found to have cancerous effect on human beings. Urea and caustic soda are very harmful to the heart, liver and kidneys. Presence of urea overburdens the kidneys as they overwork to remove urea contents from the body. Caustic soda, which contains sodium, acts as a slow poison for those suffering from hypertension and heart ailments. Caustic soda also deprives the body from utilising Lysine, an essential amino acid in milk, which is required by growing babies.
Such an artificial milk is harmful for all, but is more dangerous for