While donations of campaign have been aimed more specifically at the American and British public, it allows for a donation to be placed through PayPal. A universal payment method. Grunig (1984) as cited in Tymson, C,. Lazar, P and Lazar, R. (2006) states, “Publics [are categorized] as being latent, aware or active in relation to the issue” (p.15). Grunig further goes on to say “… the challenge of the communicator may be to raise awareness and interest levels among key publics to encourage them to become involved and active” (Managing public relations, 1984. As cited in Tymson, C,. Lazar, P & Lazar, R,. 2006, p.15). Through the use of a chilling video campaign that is led by a series of heart-warming stories exhibits that the communicator “Savethechildren” have followed Grunigs formulated interpretation of target publics through their campaign. Cleverly using sympathy, Savethechildren were successfully able to create interest amongst its key publics with a reach of over 50 million people via the …show more content…
Proceeding the video campaign, Savethechildren have conveyed their core values through these powerful messages followed by an equally powerful slogan in an attempt to invoke emotion amongst their target publics. “Just because it isn’t happening here, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening there” is the central message for this campaign and it allows the public to both understand the video and resonate themselves to that of a war stricken child. “SaveSyrianChildren” is the slogan behind this campaign and its simplicity allows the public to understand the campaign at hand. "Johnston, J and Sheehan, M. (2014) states, “Key messages and slogans are central to a campaign… [and] are often seen as a way for an organisation to articulate its core values” (p.102). This definition of key messages further shows that the communicator has understood its campaign values’ which has allowed them to showcase their values