
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that composes many factors that contribute to the manisfestations of SLE. These factors include genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, environmental factors, hormones, and a dysfunction in the immune system. It is estimated that about 1.5 million patients, and many other patients worldwide, have lupus. The survival rate of SLE patients improved from 50 % to 90% over the last 40 years from an estimated 5-year survival rate5. Managing SLE controls the disease activity and helps to prevent organ damage from therapeutic treatment and comorbidities associated with SLE disease.
The etiology of SLE is unknown, although in some cases, it tends to be hereditary.
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There are some medicines that can cause lupus-like symptoms used to treat high blood pressure, abnormal heat rhythms, Chron’s disease, or rheumatoid arthritis. When these medications are stopped, the symptoms go away. Lupus symptoms varies in everyone who has Lupus. Some people with lupus experience skin rashes. The stages of the rash vary from mild to severe with crusty and round patches that can lead to scars or cause one’s hair to fall out. These symptoms include painful swollen joints, unknown cause of fever, sensitivity to sunlight, rash on the face, Raynaud’s phenomenon, fatigue, hair loss, swollen glands, memory loss or trouble concentrating, chest pain when you take a deep breath, high blood pressure, and nose or mouth sores. Patients with SLE can later experience cardiovascular diseases such as congestive heart failure. In addition, there are times where patients with SLE will not experience any signs and symptoms. This is called a remission. Less common symptoms of SLE include, anemia, headaches, seizures, depression, and …show more content…

There are many factors that trigger to the disease such as abnormalities in immune cells and genes, environmental, and hormonal factors. Abnormalities of immune cells and gene occurs in the T and B cells, as well as, in NK cells. Abnormal gene expression is regulated by DNA methylation and histone modification. This chronic inflammatory disease can also be a disabling autoimmune disease that occurs on the face that follows a relapsing and remitting course. In trajectory, with longer expectancy rates, many patients suffering from Lupus have a higher chance of living longer due to better research, diagnostic techniques, and effective management of the

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