3.Critical analysis
Challenges and issues, Takahe has been showing issues that may affect their ability to innovate.
Although in theory might be easy but in reality, apply innovation into a company revealed to be itself more complex.
· Critical barriers to innovation, -Culture,Takahe management is closed related to the founder which at some point could be bad and start situations like happened already like bullying from the supervisors with the juniors ,besides that the restraining to gain new ideias that may help the company like when David introduced a new ideia from Japan but was ignored because of the costs.
-Attitude,Takahe has been noticed for some occurrences by the supervisors to be harsh and bullied other employees …show more content…
Plan, identify the problem to find an opportunity to plan the best solution,
The main problem lies on the management interaction towards its employees and how decision is made without further consultation.
Whose could cause negative consequences to the staffs motivation and productivity.
Do, assess whether the potential solution will work on the case.
For Tahake homes problem with innovation the best thing to do would be apply a new management model that will empower new ideas and support innovation.
Check, Possible outcomes from the test of the new plan to the company could be positive or negative depends on the circumstances and external factor suck like staffs, management and policies.
Act, Implement the solution and keep reviewing the plan as the PDCA process is a not end process but a continuous improvement.
Root cause analysis
Definition, a root cause is an element that caused a non-conformance and should be constantly removed through improvement.
Root cause chain
Key point: why is not positive innovation is