Individual Homework Assignments and Concept‐In‐Action Oral Presentation Please read through this whole page before you send anything:
1. If you have a reading assignment, read it. Do not go looking for answers only.
2. Please, inside the file, write at the top of the page the following information of your homework: date, your class, your group, your name and the homework in question. By the way, you should not call your file "Homework.docx" because if everyone did that, I would soon have dozens of files with the same name.
3. Please scan your work for viruses before giving it to me.
4. Just as you would for any homework, clearly mark the number of the questions you are answering.
5. The deadline is the 12th of February.
6. Send your work as an attached file. Document must be attached onto course website page
7. Homework done neatly and turned in on time. Late homework receives a zero. I will NOT accept late homework.
8. If you copy your homework or any other work from someone else, and you have not been given permission by me to work together, you will receive a zero as well as possibly other consequences. Do not be lazy.
9. All members of the academic community are responsible for the academic integrity of the La Salle University. Existing policies forbid cheating on examinations, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is contrary to the purposes of the
University and is not to be tolerated. When using the words or ideas of another, even if paraphrased in your own words, you must cite your source. Know the rules - ignorance is no defense. Those who violate campus rules regarding academic misconduct are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including suspension and dismissal.
10. Lying, cheating, plagiarism, and