Unit: Schools As Organisations
Linked to Learning Outcome(s):
2.1: Describe (or draw a diagram) of the staffing structure within your placement. Explain each staff member’s role and purpose, including:
a) school governors
b) senior management team
d) teachers
e) support staff roles
2.2: Explain the roles of the external professionals who work within the school e.g. educational psychologist
6.3 Explain the roles of other organisations working with children and young people and how these may impact on the work of schools
School Staffing Structure
(see also diagram overleaf)
The School Governors are an elected body formed from a variety of people including at least the Head, a member of staff, a parent, someone from the LA and someone from …show more content…
Some of these assessments are simply observing the child in class but sometimes they are individual assessments with the child, which I attended to support J who did not like unfamiliar people. She is also a key person in many of the CAF meetings and her she uses the results of her assessments and her experience and expertise to make suggestions of how to bring about positive outcomes for children. She is involved with ways of making positive changes within school for specific children and of ways to help them outside of school with other agencies.
Speech and Language Therapist
Children from school may be referred to the Speech and Language therapist and these visits take place outside school. However the Speech and Language Therapist visits school to discuss with staff strategies to help children. When I worked as a 1:1 TA with a child with speech and language difficulties I had a meeting with the Speech and Language Therapist to discuss what they were doing and give me advice and an intervention to do with the child.
High School