Introduction Presentation and lecture are commonly traditional methods widely used in teaching organization, where such values in these techniques are sometimes difficult to understand by the students. The material that the educator trying to teach the students sometimes bores them or makes them confused which eventually make study ineffective. To be an effective educator, he or she has to do more than just to give information. It is to give information in a way that promotes the very best learning. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding. Educators must know what students need to learn and what is the best way to teach it and how to tell if the student have really learned it. There are few teaching strategies that will help to promote effective learning for educator to reach their goal to help student learn the materials that had been taught.
Before starting the class, an educator should include proper planning and preparation such as target audience and suitable topic for the learner education .Since my target learners are among adults and experience health care professionals, the chosen topic should be beneficial and suitable with their current practice. Next is getting engaged with the students by having good social interaction with them. Social interaction is a key mechanism in the process of learning and development. According to Bandura(2001), a person should understand about the behavior and have a knowledge about it when presenting such behavior to learners. Therefore, effective learning results from good social interaction, reinforcement and role modeling. Creating a mutual understanding between teacher and learner is also essential in the process of learning as well as giving the right perception and interpretation of information to the learner.
Another aspect of teaching is through