Communication plays an essential role in team dynamics. Each team member should be able to communicate well with other members of the team both individually, and as a group. A team captain can help with communication issues as well as keeping the team on track. Lack of leadership, conversely affects the team in its focus and goal achievement. Responsibility is another important element to team dynamics. Members of the team must be accountable for their contributions to the team effort. Each team member is dependent on the others to a certain extent. Different qualities will be brought to the team by each member. These differing qualities can be multipliers or detractors to the overall team performance. Teamwork depends on team members being able toidentify which of their peers possess these qualities, and set consequences for irresponsible members. A seasoned team leader will generally make individual assignments, and sub-groups based on these traits that lend themselves best to the mission at hand.
Communication between team members is vital to the overall functions of the team. There are situations when team members do not participate in the group because of lacking of channels of communication. Talking with team members and asking and answering questions build a solid foundation with the team. Dawson (2005 Para 3) states "when it comes to teamwork, a
References: Beranek, P;. Warkentin, M.; (1999) Training to improve virtual team communication. Information Systems Journal V 9 i4 p.271 Boulding, K. (1962) Conflict and Defense, (New York: Harper & Row) Capozzoli, T.K. Chudoba, K.; Maznevski, M.;(2000) Bridging Space Over Time: Global Virtual Team Dynamics and Effectiveness Dawson, J. (2005). The S.E.C.R.E.T. to successful team dynamics. Business Credit: V107 i4 p.24. Dunnewind, S. (2005) Strategies for a peaceful dorm room. Seattle Times p. C.5 Engleberg, I Geddes, D. & Geller, M. M. (1997). [Review of the book TEAM Talk: The Power of Language in Team Dynamics] Hultman, K. E. (1998). The 10 Commandments of team leadership. (Training 101: It 's A Team Effort) Training and Development Jones, P. (2005) Learning to make; keep friends. Seattle Times p. D.6 Joseph, S Kim, A. (2001) Finding common ground. Portland Press Herald. p.A.1 Marks M Woodward, J. (2005) Keeping the faith. Calgary Herald p.B.9