Team Strategy Plan
1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing.
|Strategy |Strengths |Weaknesses |
| |This will allow for the team members to be |If not mixed with at least on team member |
|Put the team together according to their |familiar with what each other have already |who has different beliefs, values and |
|work ethics, values and beliefs and goals |done and to be on the same page to |goals, the team could be one sided. Doing |
|they want to achieve. |accomplish the goal. |this will allow the team to learn how to do|
| | |things different and to be flexible. |
| |This will allow everyone to have a say in |Not everyone is going to agree on |
|Using the norming stage of putting a team |what is going to happen in the team and to |everything, but everyone should be heard |
|together to put group together. This is |decide who will do what. |and whatever is not agreed on, it can be |
|where we will set the goals and expectation| |put on the back burner and move on to the |
|of the team. | |next step until later. |
|The storming stage is the most crucial I |The team can hash out any problems that |Some members may not communicate properly |
|think when it comes to putting a team |they may have with each other or with the |and be taken the wrong way or what they day|
|together. |goal of what the team is trying to