In the early 1900s the very first case to take up a juvenile court case was, Bykofsky v. Borough of Middletown. The parents of these teens argued that the curfew in Middletown, Pennsylvania violated first and fourteenth amendment rights. The first amendment being rights to religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition and the fourteenth being citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws. During this time the courts decided that preserving the safety of the teens outweighed their freedom violation. A …show more content…
These actions do not prevent the use of drugs or criminal activity but may delay it. When the fmaily or community of a teen strictly enforces curfew law, they are expected to obey by these laws without question. This restricts juveniles from asserting themselves, negotiate with parents, and simply learn how to deal with the real world. Teens raised in a curfew environment may get culture shock and become less adaptable to freedom when released from the curfew law. In my life today people often say if you locked your teens upp when you let them out they go wild, and curfew law is an example. All youth are affected by curfews not just the delinquents. Curfew enforcement is often ineffective and unnecessarily funnels large numbers of non delinquent youth into a criminal justice