Raghuveer Vernekar and Sharmila Veloso
Faculty, Management Communication
Nilesh Datta – 2013032
Sameer Volvoicar -2013044
Shyam Prasad - 2013048
Sept 10, 2012
Date: September 10, 2013
To: Sharmila Veloso and Raghuveer Vernekar, Faculty, Management Communication
From: Nilesh Datta (2013032), Sameer Volvoicar (2013044), Shyam Prasad (2013048)
Subject: An Analysis of Telecommuting in the IT Industry
In response to your request of September 14 2013 we have analysed the feasibility of implementing telecommuting in the Bantala facility of Cognizant Kolkata. The study was conducted primarily on the basis of data collected through questionnaire sent to the employees of Cognizant Kolkata and other software service providers operating out of Kolkata. We have combined primary survey response data with the facts that we could collect through secondary sources and have tried to evaluate the alternatives using certain parameters.
The motive of our research was to understand the growing grievance amongst the IT professionals because of irregular working hours coupled with remoteness of the work-place. We centered on getting primary data from the employees who are working at present in the Bantala facility. Also we encouraged people from other locations and other software firms to participate with their views, because we felt it is essential to integrate general industry perspective. We converged our set of questions to help us beacon in our way of finding in what situation telecommuting should be used.
Based on our research, we recommend the top-level management of Cognizant to implement selective telecommuting services to address employee dissatisfaction related concerns. Majority of our respondents are willing to contrive by putting additional hours at home rather than working at an
References: 1. Reinsch Jr., N. (1999). Selected Communication Variables and Telecommuting Participation Decisions: Data from Telecommuting Workers. Journal Of Business Communication, 36(3), 247-260. 2. Mokhtarian, P. L., & Salomon, I. (1996). Modeling The Choice Of Telecommuting: 3. Identifying The Choice Set And Estimating Binary Choice Models For Technology-based Alternatives. Environment and Planning A, 28(10), 1877-1894. 3. Shamir, B., & Salomon, I. (1985). Work-At-Home and the Quality of Working Life. Academy Of Management Review, 10(3), 455-464. doi:10.5465/AMR.1985.4278957 4 5. Hoang, A. T., Nickerson, R. C., Beckman, P., & Eng, J. (2008). Telecommuting and corporate culture: Implications for the mobile enterprise. Information Knowledge Systems Management, 7(1/2), 77-97. 6. Butler, E., Aasheim, C., & Williams, S. (2007). Does Telecommuting Improve Productivity?. Communications Of The ACM, 50(4), 101-103. 7. Shekhawat, T., & Markandeya, V. (2009). Send Workers Home…. Business Today, 18(2), 105-107. 8. Wright, A. D. (2013). Yahoo Retrenches On Telecommuting. HR Magazine, 58(4), 11. 9. Yahoo! Telecommuting Ban May Lead Employers to Revisit Arrangements. (2013). Managing Benefits Plans, 15(4), 5-7. 10. After Yahoo and Best Buy bans, what 's the real deal on flex?. (2013). HR Specialist: Compensation & Benefits, 8(4), 4.