Suitable premises, environment and equipment - secure (entry phones, safeguarding, children’s and adult’s registration, right person (with prior permission) collecting children, fences, etc.). Areas where children learn, play and develop must be in appropriate size (enough space - ratio, enough sinks, toilets,...), suitable for appropriate age group, condition (well maintained, warm, bright, clean, hygienic, etc), safe (handles in a higher level, electric sockets higher and covered, not slippery flours, no sharp corners, supervision all day long and etc.), adequate spaces for the different needs (food, rest, activities, parents, meeting, personal belongings, etc)., must have appropriate fire detection and control equipment (fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and fire blankets) which are in working order. Play equipment and care equipment which is fit for purpose, appropriate for the needs (rest, eat, play, exercise, toilet and etc.) of individual children (appropriate age, disability, culture, etc.) and meets British and European standards.…