August 30th, 2013
English 1020
Mr. Jeremy Sullivan
1.) What source did my advertisement come from (ex. Esquire, The Commercial Appeal, The New
Yorker)? Who is the target audience for that source? What does the sources' target audience inform me about my advertisement?
Illinois Review. Adults/Voters. The sources’ target audience informs me that this ad was set out to educate people and hopefully persuade people to do something to change the bill that it is setting out to do.
2.) How do I describe in words what my advertisement looks like? What new things have I discovered about the ad by trying to describe it that I might have otherwise missed if I had only looked at it?
In the very center of the ad is a small baby that is far more underdeveloped than a newborn held in the palm of a person’s hand. The words, “This child has no voice, which is why it depends on yours.” is printed above the baby. As I stared at the two together, I realized that the point of the baby being held in someone’s hand was probably to signify the fact that this baby’s fate in in our hands.
3.) What does the advertisement do to try to persuade me to buy the product?
It plays on the emotional aspect of seeing this little baby and imagining the pain unborn babies go through when being aborted. While staring at the picture, I just keep trying to figure out what would this baby be like if it had grown up and wasn’t aborted. It mentions underneath the picture about how unborn babies feel the pain at only twenty weeks of conception, and I feel like that’s something that really catches attention.
4.) Does this advertisement say something about modern American culture? What about the advertisement is unique to our current time that might not have necessarily worked in the past?
Well obviously in the past pregnancy and options involving pregnancy were highly taboo in the past. Pregnancy wasn’t a topic that was generally touched on, and